Monday, November 14, 2011

"Suffering Together"

There are different depths of love. I believe one of the deepest levels is experienced through "suffering together". This is when we share a pain or hurt, hardship or loss, together. We are there for each other. If we can do something, we do it. We help. If we can't, we're just there, there letting the other person know we care and we are for them. We want them to know they are not alone in whatever they're facing or going through. We want them to know that we love them and are not abandoning them when they need us the most.

In Acts 9:16, Jesus shares that Paul will have to "suffer" a great deal for Him and His cause. Thats not an invitation I really want to hear. Imagine that...Jesus comes to you and says, "Hey, I'm so glad you've decided to follow me. Now, I have some great things to show you." What are they? "I want to show you the great things you must suffer for my sake." Ouch! Not what I would be expecting. But, you know what, years later this is what Paul says to a church. "I want to know Him, in the power of His resurrection, and the "fellowship of His sufferings"(Philippians 3:10). Did you catch that last part? Paul said He wanted to know Christ in the "fellowship of His sufferings". Wow!!! Paul had learned that there is another level of love, a depth of fellowship, this powerful closeness that comes through sharing pain and difficulty together with someone.

1) Are You Willing To Share In Suffering With Christ?
Here's the deal - it's not really a question of are we gonna experience difficulty or test or pain, the question is - when it comes, how are we gonna handle it? Are you willing to suffer together with Christ, if that is what's required? "If God wants you to suffer, it is better to suffer for doing what is right than for doing what is wrong." (1 Peter 3:17 NLV)

2) Are You Willing To Share In Suffering With Others?
Now, here's the other question. Are you willing to share the hurts and pains of those in the family of God? “Share each other's troubles and problems. In this way you obey the law of Christ.” (Gal. 6:2 NLT) Let's do it. Let's continue growing in our love for others and experience a new level of love like never before through the "fellowship of suffering" together.

Live Well

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 Timothy 2:1 "Timothy, my son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus."

Grace has been defined as God giving everything for nothing to those who don't deserve anything. I like that! Somehow, many times grace is viewed as that which connects us to salvation and then we disconnect from grace in our daily lives. But, grace is also the new desires and ability to please God. Philippians 2:13 says, "For it is God that works in you the desire and ability to do what pleases God." Thats Grace! Grace doesn't just unite us with God, but it also changes us to become like God! It is the very life and nature of God living in us.

Think of this - does God have to force Himself to desire and do good things? No. Its His very nature! Does a sinner have to force himself to commit sin? No. Its his very nature to. So with us, our relationship with Christ gives us a new nature to love and live in a way that pleases God. Watch this - 2 Peter 1:4 declares "we have been made partakers of Gods very own nature". Just begin to let your faith grow in what the Word of God declares is true about you. By grace thru faith, what God has declared in His Word will be your experience in reality!

Because I have been serving God since I was 6 years old, people have asked me from time to time how I managed to make it thru my teen and early adult life without falling back. My answer is always the same. The same grace that saves us is the same grace that keeps us.

Titus 2:12-15 in summary says, Gods grace that brings salvation to us also teaches us how to let that salvation be lived out through us. It enables us to say no to wrong things and yes to right things. Salvation is a work of God from beginning to end. It doesn't start with God, and then we finish it. No! Philippines 1:6 says, "I am certain that God, who begin the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Jesus Christ returns." What God starts, He finishes. He is the "author and finisher of our faith". He is the "alpha and omega, beginning and the end". Trust Him all the way, not just in the beginning.

Remember 3 things:
1) Our faith active in God keeps His grace active in us.
All tests, temptations, trials, adversities that you face are an attempt to pull you away from faith in God. This is why Paul urges us to "fight the good fight of faith" in 2 Timothy 6:12.

2) Gods grace empower us with holy desires and supernatural strength.
Romans 4:16 says, "Therefore, it is of faith that it might be by grace". You see, our faith in God allows His grace in us. And His grace in us is what enables us to live like Him. Thats why Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

3) Grow IN Gods grace, not AWAY from it.
Peter ends his last letter with this, "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). See how this verse shows growing in the grace of God is synonymous with growing in a relationship with God. Take note, we don't grow AWAY from grace - we grow IN grace.

Be encouraged, the sure Word God spoke to Paul is good to us as well, "My grace is all you need" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Live well

Monday, October 31, 2011

Forever...with Him

Why am I alive? Does my life matter? Does my life have purpose?

Have you ever asked these questions or questions like them? I have. Others have too. These questions have been asked for thousands of years prior to you and me asking them. Here is the answer. The truth - you and I are important and we do matter.

Here's why? God did not have to create you, He chose to. In essence, God said something like this about each of us, "I strongly desire to create _(your name)_, because it is my will for him/her to experience my love and know me personally." Now, if you and I were just a little important, God could have created us to just live for a short period of time. God could have created us in such a way so that when this life on earth was over that was it for us. But He went so far as to "plant eternity in our hearts". He created us to live forever. Think about it. God doesn't just want to spend 80 or 90 years with us; He wants to spend the rest of forever with us! God wants us to live forever...forever with Him!

Yes - you and I, and all of us - every single person is very important. We really matter. We are alive because there is a God who loves us and desperately wants us to know Him! Do you know Him? Are you experiencing His incredible love? Just know, He desires for you to. Trust Him.

Listen - grace is....God accepts us because of Christ. Faith accepting that God accepts us because of Christ. And yes, we have a purpose for being alive. I like to say it like this, Gods purpose is not just to save us, but He also saves us for a purpose. Your purpose in this life is to prepare for the next life. Think of it....forever with Him!

Live well.